Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Quotes by Gabriel

When Daddy Has Dry Undies
Gabriel gets to put a coin in his bank each morning that he has dry pullups.  He usually goes for the pennies.  One day I offered him a quarter.
G - No thanks.  That's for Daddy when Daddy has dry undies."

In the Car
 “Mommy, there’s a baby fly in the car and he has a fly carseat.  He’s sitting in the back taking a ride.”

G – Mommy, I want three biscuits.
M – There are only three biscuits left.  If I have one, how many do you get to have?
G – Two!

<drum roll please>

Paul – Gabriel, what if you have three biscuits and your mommy and I each have one.  How many would we have?
G – “One, two, three, ..four,…five.  Five!”

I am printing his Harvard application as I type.

Sound Bites from Corpus Christi
Paul – Gabriel, please don’t put holes in Grandpa’s yard.
G – No, Daddy.  I am planting donut trees!
Nana – What did you see on your trip to Corpus Christi?
G – I saw boats and ships and bridges and people who don’t know how to drive.
(guess who drove into town…..)
And finally, a child after my own heart:
G – Mommy, I don’t WANT lunch!  I just want cookie dough!