Monday, October 31, 2011

The Art of Planking by Gabriel

To be fair to Gabriel's mad planking skills, he comes by it honestly.  We never told him about planking.  He just calls it "making a bridge". A week or so ago Gabriel discovered that he is juuuust long enough to make a bridge in the entryway.  David appears to be taking mental notes as he watches bubba plank.

Next comes the brotherly instructional time.  

David tries in vain to apply the tips big bro offered him.

Maybe when David grows another foot or so he and Gabriel will attempt the LBJ and 75 interchange bridges.  But lets not give them any ideas.....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gabriel's 4th Birthday Party

We had Gabriel's birthday party at one of the Frisco Fire Stations.  It is free to residents and there is more space than at our house so it sounded like a fantastic idea to me!  

Fireman Joe and Fireman Bryan talked about fire safety (stop drop and roll, calling 9-1-1, jumping out windows, etc.) and then demonstrated what a fireman looks and sounds like in the suit! The Darth Vader impression was for the adults.

They also took the kids on a tour of the garage.  They got to climb through a firetruck and an ambulance.  

(a couple friends arrived after picture time so we missed them here)

This particular fire station has the CareFlite so we took a walk across the yard to see the helicopter.  They weren't giving out free rides though.

Back inside we played a cut-throat game of musical chairs to the song Fire Burning.

The kids circled up for a story with Paul about Little Critter's visit to a fire station.

After some yummy Chick Fil A lunch we played a hydrant hunt game I found online.  This blog site has the hydrants for printing.  After printing hydrants in a variety of colors we created a "Found It!" card for each child.  

Next up:  CAKE!  Brandy Sexton made the cake again this year.  The pictures were not able to capture the cool factor she surprised us with:  working flashing lights for the top of the truck!  Thank you, Brandy!

Now that Gabriel is four he says he'll be bigger when he is five and that is when he can drive.  We'll deal with clarifying that issue next year.  For now, he's "not bigger yet".  Love my Gabriel!

**Special thanks to Katie Hayes for capturing great photos for us!**