Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Livin' It Up David-Style

Disclaimer:  Half the time Gabriel sees a camera he puts his hand up and says "No pictures!".  Apparently he likens me to the paparazzi. All of the below pictures just happen to be those occasions.

It is so much easier to get pictures of David right now in some ways.  So here are some glimpses of what our littlest man is up to now:

Eating grass, I mean, playing outside.

David likes to have a snack at the little table with Gabriel.  

Yes, that is toilet paper hanging from his lip.  We keep the bathroom door shut now because this is the second time he has taken the toilet-paper-detour.

 He thinks he is big stuff playing with Gabriel's matchbox cars.  He doesn't try to chew on them but rubs them on the ground trying to drive them like big bro does.

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