Friday, March 9, 2012

Hide and Seek

Since Mother Nature feels deprived by not being able to give us a real winter this year, she seems to be acting out by giving many beautiful days of warm sunshine in February followed by rain and cold temps in March.

So while she throws her pity party, the boys and I stayed warm and cozy in our pj's (photo - David likes to eat a big apple like BubbaNo slices!).  Gabriel and I did puzzles and played Sequence for Kids while I handed David games that he couldn't bend or break (UNO Moo, an extra set of tokens from our game, Hungry Hippo, etc.).   Then Gabriel asked to play Hide and Seek.

Gabriel's Hide and Seek Rules:
1) Everyone must hide (even the counter)
2) You must count to 15
3) Little brother David must help Gabriel find Mommy
4) A great hiding spot should be used EVERY TIME

After hiding in David's closet (straightened the shoes on the shelves while I waited to be found) and the boys' tub (put away some bath toys as quietly as possible) I found the best place for a mommy to hide.  The bed.  I laid alongside the headboard and was perfectly hidden by the pillows.  Seriously the best hiding place.  Ever.  I smiled to myself as I listened to Gabriel say "Nope!  She's not in here David."  "Come here David.  Let's look together."  "No, we already looked there."  "Hold my hand David."  David called out "Mama!" intermittently.  Then Gabriel gave up.  "Mom!" he called out.  "Come here!  Come here to us!".   Rest time was over.  I called his name loudly and then more softly as he came back down the hall.  David sat down on the dog's bed and then he spotted me peeking out of the pillows, "Mama!!!"  Gabriel said, "Mommy!!!  Hide there again!  We'll go count!".

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