Sunday, March 25, 2012

Project: Fort - Day 2 and The First Injury

My dad had to leave after lunch to drive back to Corpus but they were able to cross off a few more items on the fort to-do list.  They put up another wall and a half and measured and remeasured, cut and remeasured and cut again (repeat many times) to get the ladder just right.  

David advised his dad and grandpa on the placement of the ladder.

All the guys worked hard all morning!

Time to stop for lunch and say goodbye to Grandpa! 

And the first injury goes to ....... David!  But its nothing that a little ice pop can't help. 

 And some silly brotherly time had him back to normal!


  1. What fun! I don't remember building our fort being nearly such a great time. They are so big all of a sudden-- how did that happen? Miss y'all!

  2. They are growing so fast! But it also seems like you were in 8th grade just a couple years ago. :) I miss you too, Emily!
