Sunday, April 1, 2012

Project: Rock Climbing Wall

Mimi and Papa John's spring break trip was postponed because almost everyone was sick!  So they came up from Corpus to hang with the boys and help with the fort this weekend.  After a week of rest, more measurements and planning, Paul was ready to tackle an all-day project with his dad:  the rock climbing wall. 

My big boy likes hanging out in his fort.  And in case you are wondering, if a shirt has a hood, you MUST wear the hood (per Gabriel).  It was almost 90 degrees and he kept that hood up all afternoon! 

David went with his Mimi and I to shop for some fort interior decoration.  Our goal was to find something comfy and boyish but not go "Martha Stewart" on the manly fort.  So after a morning of planning and shopping, we came home and had lunch with the guys.

 "Say CHEESE!"

Gabriel was excited to play with some friends for a little while and christen the fort with popsicles! (And yes, that is a flamingo in the future doorway.  That was David's contribution to the decor.  A fort isn't a fort without a flamingo!)

We were so impressed that Daddy "planned" this interior bench on the backside of the rock climbing wall! 

This is a monumental photo of the last screw that completed the east wall of the fort.  It was an all day project that involved a lot of mathematical equations I haven't even heard of since high school. So yes, kids, you may actually need to know that stuff!

Mimi with her grandsons

Go Gabriel!

Project:  Rock climbing wall - Complete!

Front wall, door, window cutouts, trapdoor, staining and roof still to come.   Then the boys get to have their Grand Opening!  By the way, what do you call a house warming party for a fort??  "Fort Warming" just doesn't sound right.......

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