Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cruising Through "Hotter'n High School Lovin'" July

Back in my highschool days, I heard a youth minister say it was "hotter'n high school lovin'" outside.  Every summer that quote is in my head but probably never so much as this summer with all of the 100+ temps.

I'm not sure how it happened that there is more summer is behind us than in front of us for 2011, but here we are at the end of July.  My boys are keeping things interesting (understatement) and I've captured some of their moments below.

I sure wish this actually worked!  Both boys now take turns "helping" with their vacuum.

D waited patiently for the 4th of July fireworks and once they (finally) began at 10:15pm, it seemed anti-climatic for him because he went to sleep immediately.

D - "So since this toy spins the cars around....maybe I can take a ride too....."

"Peeks!"  The boys like to hide behind the glider in D's room.

D found big bro's hat and managed to put it on his head.  By the time I got the camera I was getting this view of him walking off.  I love how you can tell that he is strutting!  He thinks he is big stuff!

I moved the table and chairs to try and prevent D from pulling books off the shelf and bending/ripping them.  However, he found a way......

Looks like D is ready to "bust out!" Time to lower the crib to its lowest level!  
Both boys were ready to help!

Double splash time!!                                                                       My little monkey.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Mimi & Papa John's Visit

We enjoyed a visit from Paul's parents this past weekend.  Gabriel was very excited and talked about it all week!

Gabriel helped his dad and Papa John put up the new sails for some sideyard shade.

Gabriel got to show his grandparents how he is learning to swim at his swim lesson.

David enjoyed deconstructing with his new Mega Blocks toys from Mimi. (Gabriel calls him "The Wrecking Ball" for a reason!)

David and Papa John watched a show with Gabriel (the current fav is Jake and the Neverland Pirates).

Gabriel hurt his toe in a jumping-off-of-Daddy incident so Mimi shared her special post-surgery pillow with Gabriel and read a story to help him "recover".

Gabriel built finely engineered lego inventions with the help of his Mimi.

We tried out a breakfast place that specializes in crepes.  David sampled his daddy's chicken crepe, his mommy's egg florentine crepe and his brother's banana crepe.  But his most favorite of all was the strawberry crepe.  Daddy couldn't cut it fast enough!  Then we had to say goodbye to the grandparents after our yummy brunch so they could go back to Corpus Christi.

This morning we got to play outside in our newly shaded sideyard!  Thanks for helping, Papa John!
 (Yes, David is wearing stylish Shark-Crocs!)

(Don't worry, Gabriel is blowing bubbles in the water, not drinking it.)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Before 9am On A Monday Morning

7:45am           David was cruising around while Gabriel and I finished breakfast.  (You know David is done eating when he purposefully throws his food off the tray one piece at a time.)  David does like to share his snacks with the dog just like his big bro did at his age.  But this morning I see him pull a paci out of his mouth and hold it out to the dog.  The dog then licks the paci thoroughly and David thoughtfully considers his “clean” paci.  For my part things go into slow motion as he begins to put the paci back into his mouth.  Thankfully I made it to the paci before the paci made it to his mouth.  I don’t care what Myth Busters says about a dog’s mouth being cleaner than a human’s mouth.  That’s just gross.

8:22am           Gabriel finally finishes eating his breakfast.  Every morning this is a monumental feat because he prefers to display his “silliness”, catch up on the words he didn’t get to use while he was sleeping, and report every action of his little brother.  My ears hurt and my mouth is on auto-pilot “Yes, Gabriel.  Please eat, Gabriel”.  While putting his dishes in the sink he sees the last remaining pot that was used to make last night’s dinner.  I had filled it with water and soap to “soak” overnight.  (That is code for “I was tired and wanted to get out of the kitchen”.) 
Gabriel:  “Mom.”
Me:      “Yes, Gabriel.”
Gabriel:           “I see dirty water in there.”
Me:      “Yes.  The pot is dirty and needs to be washed.”
Gabriel:           “Well, I don’t like it.”
Me:      <brief pause of consideration> “Do you want to wash it?”
Gabriel:           “Ok.”
And that is how it came about that my 3 ½ year old was standing on his foot stool washing the grease and sauce coated pan.  It lasted for all of about 30 seconds.  Then,
Gabriel:           “I’m done.  It’s your turn, Mommy.”
It’s probably a good thing “his turn” didn’t last much longer.  At his age it might trigger a call to CPS or something.

8:36                Gabriel and David play chase.  I’m not sure who is chasing whom but they are both laughing and entertaining themselves so I quietly peek around the corner to watch. 

8:47                I am speedily putting laundry away in both the boys rooms and then taking two minutes to brush my teeth and swipe on some deodorant.  My precious “Mommy time” is interrupted with the suspicious sound of water sloshing in the dog’s bowl behind me.  David has grabbed a freshly cleaned towel off the rack and was either cleaning it again or using it to scrub out the dog’s bowl.  I’m not sure but the basket for whites that was gloriously empty just moments before has now begun to pile up again.

8:58                Gabriel comes into David’s room and while he is talking I can’t help but notice he is grabbing himself “down there”. 
Me:      “Gabriel, do you need to go potty?”
Gabriel:           “No Mommy.  I just have a bit.”
Me:      “A bit?”
Pants and underwear are promptly dropped around his ankles and he is looking intently for the offending chigger bite.
Me:      “Would you like some medicine on it?”
Gabriel:           “Yes please. But I can’t find it.  I think it’s hiding from me.”
It’s not even 9 o’clock in the morning and I am on the ground with anti-itch cream searching my son’s manhood for the hidden “bit”.

Anyone who says the life of a SAHM is idle has never been to my house.  

Friday, July 8, 2011

Our Favorite Word

David has said a few words (da-da, ma-ma, dog, ball, bye-bye) but seems to prefer to jabber, grunt, smile and point.  Why talk when your big bro communicates so well for you?  Well, yesterday David said our family’s new favorite word! Now please know that I am not one of those mothers that hears a word like “gleeba” (Rachel on Friends) and gets all excited about it.  So understand that David didn’t jabber a bunch of gibberish with the sound of a real word thrown in the middle somewhere and we all applauded.  Not so! 

David was watching his big brother be silly (a usual occurrence around our house) and I said Bubba was being silly, Bubba this, Bubba that.  David pointed at Gabriel and said “Bubba”.  The rest of the day, whenever he heard Gabriel come into the room or saw his face in a picture he would point and say “Bubba”.  Gabriel is quite excited about this new progress by his little bro.

In other developments David has learned to climb onto the sofa all by himself.  Which means he has now discovered at least another ten ways to harm himself.  I wish motherhood came with the ability to be in two places at once.