Monday, July 25, 2011

Mimi & Papa John's Visit

We enjoyed a visit from Paul's parents this past weekend.  Gabriel was very excited and talked about it all week!

Gabriel helped his dad and Papa John put up the new sails for some sideyard shade.

Gabriel got to show his grandparents how he is learning to swim at his swim lesson.

David enjoyed deconstructing with his new Mega Blocks toys from Mimi. (Gabriel calls him "The Wrecking Ball" for a reason!)

David and Papa John watched a show with Gabriel (the current fav is Jake and the Neverland Pirates).

Gabriel hurt his toe in a jumping-off-of-Daddy incident so Mimi shared her special post-surgery pillow with Gabriel and read a story to help him "recover".

Gabriel built finely engineered lego inventions with the help of his Mimi.

We tried out a breakfast place that specializes in crepes.  David sampled his daddy's chicken crepe, his mommy's egg florentine crepe and his brother's banana crepe.  But his most favorite of all was the strawberry crepe.  Daddy couldn't cut it fast enough!  Then we had to say goodbye to the grandparents after our yummy brunch so they could go back to Corpus Christi.

This morning we got to play outside in our newly shaded sideyard!  Thanks for helping, Papa John!
 (Yes, David is wearing stylish Shark-Crocs!)

(Don't worry, Gabriel is blowing bubbles in the water, not drinking it.)

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