David has said a few words (da-da, ma-ma, dog, ball, bye-bye) but seems to prefer to jabber, grunt, smile and point. Why talk when your big bro communicates so well for you? Well, yesterday David said our family’s new favorite word! Now please know that I am not one of those mothers that hears a word like “gleeba” (Rachel on Friends) and gets all excited about it. So understand that David didn’t jabber a bunch of gibberish with the sound of a real word thrown in the middle somewhere and we all applauded. Not so!
David was watching his big brother be silly (a usual occurrence around our house) and I said Bubba was being silly, Bubba this, Bubba that. David pointed at Gabriel and said “Bubba”. The rest of the day, whenever he heard Gabriel come into the room or saw his face in a picture he would point and say “Bubba”. Gabriel is quite excited about this new progress by his little bro.
In other developments David has learned to climb onto the sofa all by himself. Which means he has now discovered at least another ten ways to harm himself. I wish motherhood came with the ability to be in two places at once.
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