Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New beginnings

We are figuring out this world of blogging.  After leaving the photo gallery unattended for about a year and a half, we decided to start fresh with a blog.  The captions on the boys pictures sometimes really help to give you the back story to what is going on and Gabriel says some pretty funny things!

The gallery is still up and available.  You can find it through our home page (www.houseofbell.com) but we aren't updating the gallery anymore.

I hope you enjoy these glimpses into our lives!


  1. Awesome! You didn't need any help-this looks great! :)
    Way to go. I hope you enjoy blogging as much as I have.

  2. A great way to share! Even Grand Poppie can see you and your boys easy nowl Love. Grand Poppie
